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Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.




Over 2000 primary school resources including assemblies, games, activities, presentations and more! All resources have been tried and tested and most cost less than a cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting.
Assembly: Work Together, Learn Together - Kindness

Assembly: Work Together, Learn Together - Kindness

Assembly: Work Together, Learn Together. 15 - 20 minutes long. Song, discussion opportunities, short story script and prayer included. Preparation: Ask groups of children to demonstrate (through role play) how they work together, e.g. in the classroom (helping with tasks); at lunchtime (good manners) and on the playground (playing fairly). These role plays will be shown during the assembly. You will also need 2 broom handles (or metre sticks) for the story. Fully editable.
Guided Reading: Inferencing Activity

Guided Reading: Inferencing Activity

A simple INFERENCING activity. Students must identify words or phrases in a text, guess the meaning of the word/phrase then find and draw the meaning. PDF and Word document attached (so fully editable).
Non-Fiction PowerPoint

Non-Fiction PowerPoint

Attached is a 10-slide PowerPoint you can use when teaching non-fiction. Before delivering this PowerPoint, put a selection of non-fiction books out on the children’s tables. Contents: Features of non-fiction texts. Activities to complete. Presenting facts in different ways. Finding information. Asking questions. Topics to research. Ideal for 5 - 9 years. Fully editable.
Little Red Riding Hood Storyboard

Little Red Riding Hood Storyboard

4 storyboards attached. Fully differentiated and fully editable. Storyboard 1: All writing and pictures provided (answers). Storyboard 2: 4 pictures and all writing provided (lower ability). Storyboard 2: 4 pictures but no writing provided (middle ability). Storyboard 3: No pictures or writing provided (higher ability).


TREASURE ISLAND - Take your class on a real pirate adventure! Attached is 56-slide Treasure Island PowerPoint. PowerPoint contents: Characters. Setting. Transport. Tricky words in the story. Treasure Island - the story. Script template. Pirate pictures. Heroes and Heroines. Treasure Maps and Treasure Chests Character profiles. Writing your own pirate story. Also attached is a 3-week unit plan (fully editable), play script templates, Treasure Island - the story (a Robert Louis Stevenson adaptation),a short story example and a writing assessment. Fully editable.
Pre-Cursive  Handwriting - PowerPoint & Worksheets

Pre-Cursive Handwriting - PowerPoint & Worksheets

A 14-slide PowerPoint to refer to when introducing and teaching pre-cursive handwriting. Contents: Slide 3: Holding your pencil correctly. Slide 4: The 5 pre-cursive stages. Slide 5: The 5 pre-cursive stages (to stick in books). Slide 6: Bookmarks showing the pre-cursive letters. Slide 8: Stage 1 Pre-Cursive Letters. Slide 9: Stage 2 Pre-Cursive Letters. Slide 10: Stage 3 Pre-Cursive Letters. Slide 11: Stage 4 Pre-Cursive Letters. Slide 12: Stage 5 Pre-Cursive Letters. Also attached are 5 worksheets for your student’s to practise the pre-cursive letters. Fully editable.
Brochure Writing Templates and Examples - Fully Editable + Differentiated

Brochure Writing Templates and Examples - Fully Editable + Differentiated

3 differentiated brochure writing templates: Easy: Red background - much less writing + large spaces for pictures. Medium: White background - less writing + small spaces for pictures. Hard: Grey background - writing sections only. Also attached are 2 completed brochures (to use as shared texts). The themes of the brochures are ‘Holiday’ themes (England and Thailand). Appropriate and adaptable for all age groups. Fully editable.
George's Marvellous Medicine - Worksheet

George's Marvellous Medicine - Worksheet

What happens to ‘Grandma’ after she receives George’s Marvellous Medicine? Your student’s can use this worksheet to retell the events OR create their own marvellous reactions to the medicine! Fully editable.


If you’ve been teaching your class about ‘The Stone Age’, then this BIG WRITE will complement your unit of work perfectly. Attached is a complete story plan and 2 sets of writing sheets (one with an opener and one without) for a story called ‘THE HUNT’. Story outline: You are a Stone Age hunter and your family rely on you for food. You set off on a hunt! Just follow the plan and you can’t go wrong! Fully editable!
Word Sort - Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs

Word Sort - Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs

A great game to use when teaching nouns, adjectives and verbs. Activity: Sort the 30 words (in the grid) into 3 groups (10 nouns, 10 adjectives, 10 verbs) Independent or paired-based activity. Fully editable (so you can change the words). Answers provided.
Acrostic Poetry - PowerPoint and Resources

Acrostic Poetry - PowerPoint and Resources

Attached is a 17-slide Acrostic Poetry PowerPoint with 4 integrated activities and worksheets. 1 week of learning and activities. Ideal for 6+ (depending on ability). All resources are fully editable. The PowerPoint covers the following 6 areas: What is a poem? What is an Acrostic poem? Acrostic poem about you. Acrostic poem about school. Acrostic animal alliteration poem. Acrostic weather rhyming poem.
Prepositions Game

Prepositions Game

Prepositions Game How to win: The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards. Instructions to play the game: 1. Shuffle the cards and deal out 7 cards per player. Maximum: 4 players (per set of cards). 3. Place one card (not a penalty card) face up and put the remainder of the cards (the pack) face down beside it. 3. You can discard a card onto the face up pile if it is the same animal or the same preposition as the current card showing. E.g. if the card showing is, ‘The rabbit is in the toilet’ then you can throw down any ‘Rabbit’ or ‘Toilet’ card. 4. The penalty cards are: ‘Skip’ - the next player skips one turn ‘Reverse’ - the order of play reverses (the previous student throws next) ‘Draw Two’ - the next player takes two from the pack unless they can put any ‘Draw Two’ card down. In the latter case, the next player who can’t throw a ‘Draw Two’ card has to pick up the total number of cards from the pack. 5. The ‘Wild’ card can be played at any time and the thrower has to call out the new animal. The ‘Draw 4’ card is similarly wild, but the next player has to draw 4 from the pack, unless they can play another ‘Draw 4’. 6. When a player throws down their penultimate card, they must shout ‘UNO’ before the next player takes their turn. Failure to do so results in a penalty of two cards from the pack. 7. Children should read the text as they throw down each card.